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The Smart Approach to Data and Documentation

Data and documentation are the backbone of all organisational processes. This is no longer a revolutionary thought. This is why it is surprising that many organisations in the food industry, large and small alike, aren't making much progress when it comes to modernising their data management and documentation strategies, especially for performing audits and analysing their results. But why exactly is that dangerous, especially in this industry, why is it important to change that, and how can companies modernise their data and documentation processes using the full potential of the digital age?

The Perils of Tradition

Traditional ways of doing things are traditional for a reason. Sometimes, that reason is that there just wasn't a better way to do things way back when. And when it comes to traditional documentation methods for audit processes in the food industry, it's time to let go.

Audits are sometimes still performed on paper, but there are many disadvantages of paper-based documentation methods. These methods are largely manual and require a lot of time and even more manpower not only to capture all the important data during an audit but also to get that data into the organisation's system in a way in which it can be understood by analytics tools. On top of that, preparing easily readable reports from such data is inefficient at best. As a result, the organisation's resources are unnecessarily drained with every new audit.

Stuck in the Middle

Often, organisations get stuck in the transition between tradition and digitalisation in the most complete sense of the word. In other words, while they rely on software and not on paper to capture data, the processes of documenting, consolidating, analysing, and reporting on the documented data aren't integrated. For example, while auditing multiple branches of a supermarket chain, the auditors use digital solutions, i.e. mobile devices with specifically designed questionnaies to capture the relevant data. However, that data, which may include text, images, video, and even speech recordings, then needs to be manually located and input into the organisation's system. So, while data capturing is quite efficient, the remaining steps are not, which means the entire process is still largely inefficient.

Both of these situations can be damaging in the long run. In addition to inefficient use of resources, there is also an increased risk of human error at every step, since all processes are largely manual. Errors in documentation can have serious consequences especially in the food industry, where non-compliance with industry regulations isn't just a legal issue but also a health and safety hazard. In order to eliminate, or at the very least significantly reduce, those risks, the approach to data and documentation must be changed from traditional and segmented to digital and holistic. 

The Smart Approach

Smart auditing software represents an all-encompassing solution that addresses all challenges of data management in the food industry. Using carefully crafted software and tools, it is possible to streamline the process of collecting information during the audit by making it as simple and intuitive as possible. If the software is configured for each organisation individually, it is possible to offer a great level of customisation and make every step as detailed or as simplified as needed.  Usually, this saves valuable time during the audit itself. But the true value of such solutions is apparent in the subsequent steps.

With fully integrated digital solutions, post-audit documentation can be fully automated, which includes processing the collected data in the system, creating and distributing detailed audit reports, and building comprehensive dashboards with detailed analytics, all without any additional manual tasks, programmes, and tools. Instead of wasting endless hours on manual data entry, whether from printed sources or an unintegrated digital solution, the auditor simply taps a button on their mobile device and all data is automatically synchronised with the system and available to all users with access. All reports are created automatically behind the scenes and immediately available for review. And in just a few clicks, managing staff can access a dashboard with all KPIs already there, allowing them to focus on future strategies based on trustworthy and transparent information.

So, what does all this mean for the organisation?

With less time and manpower spent on capturing, consolidating, and analysing data, resources are freed up for other projects and the organisation's potential for growth is greatly increased. In addition, thanks to the improved accuracy of data and documentation, staying compliant with rules and regulations in the industry is much easier, as is keeping up with quality standards and offering the level of service customers expect. 

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