Company-Specific | Audits, Checks, and Inspections

Organising audits in a company raises the question of a coordinated approach that applies to all departments and areas. However, different departments or areas may have distinct requirements for processes and checklists, which need to be specifically tailored to their needs. This ensures consistency in audit quality across various locations and dep...

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An Unequal Pair | Assessment and Evaluation

In the realm of business operations, audits and inspection procedures often entail both human assessment and a systematic evaluation based on set rules and formulas. The integration of these aspects provides a high level of transparency and comparability among various audits. The Difference Between Assessment and Evaluation Questions within an audi...

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A Comprehensive Audit Form | Process Integration

When it comes to integrating processes in audits, the goal is to link company and partner data and workflows to enable automation and process control. This makes it possible to clearly illustrate connections, fix defects more swiftly, and ensure that data is always up-to-date and centrally available. Linking Data and Assets A key aspect of pro...

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Wir kombinieren moderne und gleichzeitig ausgereifte Technologien mit umfassender praktischer Erfahrung, um Geschäftsprozesse zielgerichtet, effizient und transparent zu gestalten.

nextVision Group

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Schweiz | +41 41 850 85 67


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